Brendon Conway
Service Officer - Army

•       The primary task of a Post Service Officer (PSO) is to provide information concerning Federal, state and local benefits for veterans, their families and survivors. In this capacity, Post Service Officers may provide applications or other forms to claimants; when requested, may help a claimant complete a form by acting as a recorder. 

•       It is important to note that VFW Post and District Service Officers are not accredited by the VA. As a consequence, their ability to assist veterans and other claimants prepare claims for submission to VA is limited. Post Service Officers should be familiar with the basics of the compensation (for service connected disabilities) and pension (for nonservice connected disabilities) program.


              Phone: 512-585-8498 

              Mon-Fri: 0800-1700 email (No cell phone in SCIF)         

               Sat-Sun:  As needed; phone

Emergency : Any time any means